热门关键字:经济学家    部委学者









北京大学光华管理学院院长 教授


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1997年-2005年 加州大学洛杉矶分校经济系助理教授
2000年-2001年 耶鲁大学经济系访问助理教授
2005年- 北京大学光华管理学院教授
2010年- 北京大学光华管理学院院长




1988年 武汉大学数学学士
1991年 北京大学经济学硕士
1997年 斯坦福大学经济学博士
1997年 斯坦福大学统计学硕士




2006年 获教育部新世纪优秀人才称号。
2007年 获国家自然科学杰出青年科学基金。
2008年 被聘为教育部长江学者特聘教授。
2011年 当选为世界计量经济学会会士(Fellow),并于2012年被选为理事会理事。


外文期刊文章(Publications in International Journals):
[1] “Bargaining on Behalf of a Constituency”,2000, Journal of Economic Theory, 92:234-273.
[2] “Delay in Multilateral Bargaining under Complete Information”,2000, Journal of Economic Theory, 93:260-276.
[3] “Capital Budgeting and Compensation with Asymmetric Information and Moral Hazard”, with Antonio Bernardo and Jiang Luo, 2001, Journal of Financial Economics, 61:311-344.
[4] “A Theory of Joint Asset Ownership”, 2003, Rand Journal of Economics, 34:62-76.
[5] “Inefficient Markov Perfect Equilibria in Multilateral Bargaining”, 2003, Economic Theory, 22:583-606.
[6] “War or Peace”, 2003, Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 2: No. 1, Article 2. http://www.bepress.com/bejeap/contributions/vol2/iss1/art2.
[7] “State Corroding Federalism”, with Daniel Treisman, 2004, Journal of Public Economics, 88:819-843.
[8] “Capital Budgeting in Multidivisional Firms: Information, Agency and Incentives”, with Antonio Bernardo and Jiang Luo, 2004,Review of Financial Studies, 17: 739-767.
[9] “Agency Problems and Commitment in Delegated Bargaining”, with Walter Cont, 2004, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 13:703-729.
[10] “Does Competition for Capital Discipline Governments: Decentralization, Globalization and Public Policy”, with Daniel Treisman, 2005, American Economic Review, 95:817-830.
[11] “Incentive Compatible Collusion, Competition and Innovation”, with Uday Rajan, 2005, Annals of Economics and Finance, 6:37-52.
[12] “Over-communication in Strategic Information Transmission Games”, with Joseph Tao-Yi Wang, 2006, Games and Economic Behavior, 56:7-36.
[13] “Did Decentralization Cause China’s Economic Miracle?” with Daniel Treisman, 2006, World Politics, 58:505-535.
[14] “Reserve Price Signaling”, with John Riley and Lixin Ye, 2007, Journal of Economic Theory, 135:253-268.
[15] “Costly Participation and Heterogeneous Preferences in Informational Committees”, 2009, Rand Journal of Economics, 40:173-189.
[16] “Political Decentralization and Policy Experimentation”, with Daniel Treisman, 2009, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 4:1-24.
[17] “Motivating Entrepreneurial Activity in a Firm,” with Antonio Bernardo and Jiang Luo, 2009, Review of Financial Studies, 22:1089-1118.
[18] “Firm Reputation and Horizontal Integration”, with Ichiro Obara, 2009, Rand Journal of Economics, 40:341-364.
[19] “Competition and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Chinese Industrial Firms”,with Qiao Liu, 2009, Economic Journal, 119:764-795.
[20] “Observational Learning: Evidence from a Natural Randomized Field Experiment,” with Yuyu Chen and Hanming Fang, 2009,American Economic Review, 99:864-882.
[21] “Incentives, Equality and Contract Renegotiations: Theory and Evidence in the Chinese Banking Industry”, with Hongbin Li and Li-An Zhou, 2010, Journal of Industrial Economics, 58:156-189.
[22] “Income and Consumption Inequality in Urban China: 1992-2003”,with Yuyu Chen and Li-An Zhou, 2010, Economic Development and Culture Change, 58(3):385-413
[23] “Eat, Drink, Firms and Governments: An Investigation of Corruption from Entertainment Expenditures in Chinese Firms”, with Hanming Fang and Lixin Xu, 2011, Journal of Law and Economics, 54:55-78.

中文期刊文章(Publications in Chinese Journals):
[1] “竞争会加剧公司隐瞒利润吗?-来自中国企业的证据”,蔡洪滨,刘俏,肖耿, 2006, 经济学报,2: 15-45.
[2] “中国企业信誉缺失的理论分析”,蔡洪滨,张琥,严旭阳,2006 (9),经济研究,85-93。
[3] “宗族制度、商人信仰与商帮治理”,蔡洪滨,周黎安,吴意云,2008 (8),管理世界,87-99.
[4] “授权结构与激励的一些理论分析”,蔡洪滨,刘青,2008,经济学季刊,31:1-22.
[5] “寡头市场,递归信念与声誉”,杜创,蔡洪滨,2009,世界经济,372: 38-50.
[6] “差异产品市场上的声誉锦标赛”,杜创,蔡洪滨,2010 (7),经济研究,507: 130-140.
[7] “策略性模糊在信息甄别中的作用”,吴应军,蔡洪滨,2011 (3),经济研究516: 108-118.

Book Reviews:
[1] Book Review of “China’s Great Transformation” eds. Loren Brandt and Thomas G.Rawski, Economics Development and Cultural Changes, October 2010, 59: 234-240.

中文书中章节(Book Chapters in Chinese)
[1] “中国国有企业的技术进步:估计与分析”,录于《中国经济增长与波动》,厉以宁等编,1993。

Working Papers :
[1] “Microinsurance, Trust and Economic Development: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment,” with Yuyu Chen, Hanming Fang and Li-An Zhou. Submitted.
[2] “Family Ties and Organizational Design: Evidence from Chinese Private Firms”, with Hongbin Li, Albert Park and Li-An Zhou, revise and resubmit, Review of Economics and Statistics.
[3] “China’s Land Market Auctions: Evidence of Corruption?” with Vernon Henderson and Qinghua Zhang. Submitted.
[4] “Why Do Large Firms Willingly Pay Higher Wages in Developing Countries?”, with Miaojun Wang and Se Yan. Submitted.
[5] “Do Multinationals’ R&D Activities Stimulate Indigenous Entrepreneurship? Evidence from China’s ‘Silicon Valley’”, with Yasuyuki Todo and Li-An Zhou.
[6] “More Trusting, Less to Trust: Evidence from Eachnet.com,” with Ginger Z. Jin and Li-An Zhou.
[7] “Local Credibility Test”, with John Riley and Lixin Ye.
[8] “A Theory of Organizational Dynamics: Internal Politics and Efficiency”, with Hong Feng.